The Four Learning Orientations Learners situationally fall along the
continuum of learning orientations. Depending on the
specific learning circumstances, a learner may cover a
full range of one learning orientation or move downwards
or upwards in response to negative or positive responses,
conditions, resources, results, expectations, and
experiences. Most learners will respond with some level
of resistance in negative environments. Upward change
into new learning orientations requires greater effort
and learner control and stronger intentions, feelings,
and beliefs about learning. Transforming learners
To be more successful, transforming learners
need to focus on task-completion and taking care of the
details. Sometimes these learners are so intent on
exploring the unknown, they forget their original goals
and tasks and lose focus. Self-discipline helps them
complete one goal or a set of goals before they move on
to the next goal.
Information about Successful Learning Strategies? Click here!
More information about the Learning Orientation Questionnaire? Click here! |