The Four Learning Orientations

Learners situationally fall along the continuum of learning orientations. Depending on the specific learning circumstances, a learner may cover a full range of one learning orientation or move downwards or upwards in response to negative or positive responses, conditions, resources, results, expectations, and experiences. Most learners will respond with some level of resistance in negative environments. Upward change into new learning orientations requires greater effort and learner control and stronger intentions, feelings, and beliefs about learning.

Conforming learners Conforming Learners are deeply influenced by an awareness of the social aspects and external resources that surround them and motivate them. They are less complex learners and typically may prefer not to use initiative, think critically, make mistakes, reflect on progress, synthesize feedback, or give knowledge new meaning to change themselves or the environment.

Conforming learners

  • may prefer safety and security in contrast to change, risk, and exploration

  • are often uncomfortable using initiative, (particularly in areas of little experience), thinking critically, making mistakes, and reflecting on their progress

  • may have difficulty with complex problem solving, non-verbal communication, and abstract thinking

  • may prefer depending on external resources, rely on others for guidance, and have little desire to control or manage their learning

  • may prefer to have simple standards set by others and explicit guidance to achieve goals.

  • may need simple, explicit feedback and learn best with linear, step-by-step instruction

To be more successful, conforming learners need to become more independent and willing to take risks. In supportive, uncomplicated learning environments, conforming learners will enjoy working hard to achieve simple, clearly explained goals.

Successful Learning Strategies? Click here!

Information about the Learning Orientation Questionnaire? Click here!